Angry Dragon

Simulation 2020

Project Essentials

Play Testing

Alpha Play TEST

The main feedback we received was related to the controls of the dragon. For most players, it was difficult to maneuver. We also received feedback on how difficult it was to aim the spray of fire coming from the dragons mouth. In regards to the village defence, its projectiles were too small and fast, making them hard to see and dodge. As players sat down to play our game, they did not really have a sense of what to do.

Beta Play TEST

From the people who alpha tested our game we received positive feedback that our controls had improved. The addition of an aiming marker was said to make aiming easier. There was a lot of feedback that it was difficult to tell if the dragon’s fire was hitting a village building or not. Players also explored the map a lot and learned they could leave the terrain or go infinitely high. By adding a start menu with instructions players were able to easily learn the controls.

Final Play TEST

See table in google doc linked to button.

Post Mortem

5 Things That Went Right

Quick communication

Research regarding how to implement game features and website

Able to combine knowledge and skills to troubleshoot features

Fluid thinking and flexibility in allowing game to evolve

Found excellent free assets to create our world

Video game trailer

5 Things That Went Wrong

Had too many ideas at the start

Our initial implementation of the controls were difficult for play-testers

3D animations using FSM were challenging to troubleshoot and debug, which limited use

Fluid thinking and flexibility in allowing game to evolve

Players were able to fly under terrain and attack houses from underneath

We were unable to fully implement sound effects

Unity and/or Unity teams was erratic through out the process

Team Reflections

What is the one thing your team did really well?

We were very good in giving each other space to create ideas and allow the game to evolve within the limits of our time and skills. Components that made it onto the final game version are fulling functioning and interact well with the other elements of the game.

What evidence can you show for it?

We have fully functioning game and had good alpha and beta feedback from our class peers.

If you had another 2-weeks to work on the game, hat would be the 3 highest priority items.

Adding different target types for the dragon to collect coins from the map. We had originally talked about adding forts and a castle. The projectiles coming from the villages weresupposed to be goats, spears and small forest creatures. More interactive components forthe dragon to engage, like upgrading special powers or casting spells, and small quests to In order to complete the game.


Type Asset
Material Village_House_V1_Wall.mat
Material Village_House_V2_Roof.mat
Material Village_House_V2_Wall.mat
Material Village_House_V2_Wood.mat
Material Village_House_V4_Roofl.mat
Material Village_House_V4_Wall.mat
Animation Village_House_V1.fbx
Animation Village_House_V2.fbx
Animation Village_House_V4.fbx
Material Dom.mat
Material Roof.mat
Material Strecha.mat
Material Vr.mat
Material Wall.mat
Material Wood.mat
Prefab Village_House_V1.prefab
Prefab Village_House_V4.prefab
Prefab Village_House_V2.prefab
Dragon Grey.prefab
Dragon Purple.prefab
Material GreyPBR.mat
Material PurpleHP.mat
Mesh DragonTerrorBringerMesh.fbx
Texture purpleHP.png
Texture ForSP_lambert1_albedoTransperancy.png
Texture Mesh lambert1.png<
Texture ForSP_lambert1_Emission.png
Texture Village_House_V4_Wall_Normal.png
Texture ForSP_labmert1_MetallicSmootheness.png
Texture VForSP_lambert1_Normal.png
Animation FlameAttack.fbx
Animation FlyForward.fbx
Animation Landing.fbx
Animation TakeOff.fbx
Animation Walk.fbx
Animation idle02.fbx
Asset Pack Moster SFX
Audio clip Wind-Mark_DiAngelo-1940285615.wav
Audio clip mob8.wav
Audio clip roar04.wav
Particle Flamethrower.prefab
Audio Clip FireShoot08.ogg